Monday, August 29, 2011

Back To Reality

hellooooo :).it has been too long hasnt it?anyways,the last time i updated my blog was in march im guessing?ahahahahahaah been too lazy to blog anymore.its always with twitter.twitter's like a diary now :p.eheheheh oh oh oh have i mentioned i got myself a Lomo!!!:) i bought the Diana F+ Deluxe Set and the only item left to have the complete accessories is the instant bck :D.a lomo is an anologue camera tht uses film :).it so old school!love it to the max!trying to save up for the Instant Back,which turns it into a polaroid :).also trying to save up for prom but its not really comfirmed went from formal to beach party at night,not really sure anymore...okay since there's been a lot going on theses last few months since i've updated,i shall catagorise them.
firstly i wanna give a shoutout to Daniel since he's probably the only one who reads it anymore.he'll probably read this in a few months or whatever.just hi :)

School-well its school,so pretty much super boring!!!you sould see the amount of papers i've gotten recently.they're about the size of of your monitor.even though i cant possibly know but yeah :).oh for Sedaya Night and Sedaya Concert i was chosen for cheerleading captain,not bragging cause being captain is not awesome,and we named our team FLASH!:D practise was sometimes fun but there was one monday where i had to go practise for Rika's performance and when i went for cheer practise straight after,i notice they were just playing i got pissed at them for not putting much effort.ugh i yelled at them and they said they already practise but it wasnt enough for me.we havent even gotten out timing right as well as the routine and the worst part was the events were only 2 weeks away!then i got badmouthed which made me all the more reason to be pissed,but Sarah calmed me down and im so grateful to have her as a friend :).things went off with a BOOM on Thursday but for Sedaya Night,some of them came late cause of tht damn BERSIH rally!there was a massive jam to the point where half of the boys couldnt make it in time.luckily the event wasnt going to start without the VIPs and they were late to.some of the guys even got out of their cars and started running to school!2 of the boys even ran from Taipan!mygoshhh man from tht point on,its like whoa!everything just went smoothly and after the event went out for supper with Mal,Dan,Ash,Trent,Adrie,Faya,Shareena and Iman :).super fun man!got home at almost one xD.had a nice talk with Mal on the way home too :).other than tht,got my trials.all 3 of em!done with 2 and one to go!

Love-so there was this guy who's younger by 2 yrs and i wasnt interested in him.but i guess he took it wrong and just thought tht mayb being around would change my didnt and he said he wasnt going to bother me anymore and with tht,he just completely ignored me.whattheheck bro?!i thought we could've actually been friends but apparently not..there's also a douche just doesnt get it when i say no.he asks again after a few month and im like bro,im sticking to my know the him i've been talking about in my other posts,i've been giing him the silent treatment manly because i thought it be easier for me to get over him.but after a few months a just thought ah heck i'll just talk to him.and we got kinda close again :).oh last monday for CCA,he asked me to teman him while his other friends went for games so i did.Xian followed me and we went to chill in the canteen then he took my phone and started reading my texts.he wouldnt let me have my phone back so of course it had to get it the midst of trying to get my phone bck,Xian was laughing her ass off,saying tht i look like im raping him -.-' i dont think anyone know how a rape looks like.she also took a video of it and it just looks like i was over-hugging him.anyways my point an innocent girl!:)

Friendships-well since Xian came into our class this yr and i promised her i wouldnt just ditch her,so her,Laksh and me became a little trio kind of thing.after awhile we became quite close but recently i feel rather distant.i feel so left out sometimes.usually we would always wait for each other when someone's behind or something but nowadays,whenever i stop for some reason,they'd just walk off without they just walk off without even knowing im not not saying this like i should be waited upon all the time or like im some bigshot or whatever.i just really dont like change i guess.sometimes or mayb all the time,i feel like everyone hates me,like im an out cast.sigh whatever la i guess i just gotta deal with it

so thts pretty much it i guess...kay bye

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