Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just A Little Insight Won't Make This Right

is it so hard to live a year without any heartbreak?even if it's not,can't i just just get a break from all of this 'love' the world speaks about?yes i may tweet about how alone i am and sometimes i may tweet bout my past feelings and how much i miss it,but really i just want to be happy.i never wanted guys to like me and ask me out on a date,hoping that we could be together,then having to leave the country next year.yes, it seems like i can actually get a chance of a relationship but why should i be in a relationship when i know it going to end?yes it's going to a nice,sweet but only for 2 months max.and what about next year?he'll be in another continent and me?i'll be here,alone.does he not think i wont get heartbroken?was he even thinking of me and what it's going to be like for me?yeah he's going to make a memory of being with me but then we're just going to be separated by miles!so no,i dont wanna be with him.i dont want to get my heart broken.i want to save myself from all the heartbreak.i dont want to go to school on first day,next year thinking 'i cant spend my first day of school with my boyfriend' or 'i wish my boyfriend was here'.all those needy,i-want-my-boyfriend thing just isnt and SHOULDNT be me.and forgive me if i've hurt that guy's feelings but i dont want to know that i'll be so broken that i wont enjoy the new year.i dont want to have these feeling for him when all he's going to do is break no i wont go on a date with him

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Don't Concern Yourself With This Mess You Left For Me

There's a reason I said I'd be happy alone. It wasn't 'cause I thought I'd be happy alone. It was because I thought if I loved someone and then it fell apart, I might not make it. It's easier to be alone. Because what if you learn that you need love and then you don't have it? What if you like it and lean on it? What if you shape your life around it and then it falls apart? Can you even survive that kind of pain? Losing love is like organ damage. It's like dying. The only difference is death ends. This? It could go on forever.
- Meredith,Unaccompanied Minor,Grey's Anatomy Season 7

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sinking To The Bottom

your level for tolerance is ZERO!all you can think about is yourself and your relationship!and you're not even happy in your relationship.might as well end it before one of you gets really hurt!I'm not asking you to not care about him,I'm just saying tht you don't deserve this's making you all worried and angry all the's like you're not even yourself anymore!when you found out what your dad has been doing,I understand tht he betrayed your trust but when I ask you to calm down,don't take it out on me kay?!what did I even do to you?!I tell you to chill then you say you're damn angry.when I say chilling doesn't mean getting all worked up bout it,you shout at me saying you're not angry.HELLO!YOU'RE THE ONE WHO TOLD ME YOU WERE ANGRY!please la,you fight everyday and just because your boyfriend has got stuff going on doesn't mean you shouldn't live your life like you're bound to're such a hypocrite!first you say you can care less about him and what he thinks,then you say you're worried tht he won't concentrate?!you yourself aren't concentrating in class thinking bout what's your dad doing and what you and him fight about.please la just dump him already!if he always brings up a certain someone when you fight then obviously he can't let go of the past.and every time the both of you fight,you act all sad and gedik-ish,giving me tht baby voice.when I ask why you're speaking like tht,you say you're just trying to be happy.what you're trying to do is get already know tht certain someone likes you and hasn't gotten over you,what more break up with his ex just to try to be with you again.and what are you doing?being all flirty and cute-like with him,giving him mixed already have a boyfriend,god!if you really wantto stop fighting and being so upset bout it then just break up.I'm so sick and tired of listening to you complaining all the time.yes I care about you but fighting every single day in a relationship is not an ideal choice,whatmore fighting bout petty things.sure you guys will eventually split but don't prolong the anger and the suffering.whatever it is you wanna do its your choice but please don't come to me and complain how irratated you are.i've had enough of it.and please!PLEASE just stop leashing out your anger towards me cause one day,I'll just explode in your face.and sometimes when I shout bck,it's because I can't take it tell other people tht we're just messing around but to me,I mean it.yes it does hurt that much to have you shouting in my face for no apparent reason.and when you insult me,I know it's real because you say it like you really mean it.even if you do really mean why don't you just stop being my friend?I'm still your friend because I know you aren't always like this.the reason I'm ranting is because I'm so tired of you shouting at me all the time!i remember you saying tht whenever you see someone sitting alone on the bench you feel sorry for them tht they have no always see me sitting alone and prefer to sit somewhere else unless other people you aren't as close to doesn't come.does tht mean you feel sorry for me too?does that mean I'm just as lonely as the next?yeah because when you really need something or have no one to talk to,thts when I appear in your eyes.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Back To Reality

hellooooo :).it has been too long hasnt it?anyways,the last time i updated my blog was in march im guessing?ahahahahahaah been too lazy to blog anymore.its always with twitter.twitter's like a diary now :p.eheheheh oh oh oh have i mentioned i got myself a Lomo!!!:) i bought the Diana F+ Deluxe Set and the only item left to have the complete accessories is the instant bck :D.a lomo is an anologue camera tht uses film :).it so old school!love it to the max!trying to save up for the Instant Back,which turns it into a polaroid :).also trying to save up for prom but its not really comfirmed went from formal to beach party at night,not really sure anymore...okay since there's been a lot going on theses last few months since i've updated,i shall catagorise them.
firstly i wanna give a shoutout to Daniel since he's probably the only one who reads it anymore.he'll probably read this in a few months or whatever.just hi :)

School-well its school,so pretty much super boring!!!you sould see the amount of papers i've gotten recently.they're about the size of of your monitor.even though i cant possibly know but yeah :).oh for Sedaya Night and Sedaya Concert i was chosen for cheerleading captain,not bragging cause being captain is not awesome,and we named our team FLASH!:D practise was sometimes fun but there was one monday where i had to go practise for Rika's performance and when i went for cheer practise straight after,i notice they were just playing i got pissed at them for not putting much effort.ugh i yelled at them and they said they already practise but it wasnt enough for me.we havent even gotten out timing right as well as the routine and the worst part was the events were only 2 weeks away!then i got badmouthed which made me all the more reason to be pissed,but Sarah calmed me down and im so grateful to have her as a friend :).things went off with a BOOM on Thursday but for Sedaya Night,some of them came late cause of tht damn BERSIH rally!there was a massive jam to the point where half of the boys couldnt make it in time.luckily the event wasnt going to start without the VIPs and they were late to.some of the guys even got out of their cars and started running to school!2 of the boys even ran from Taipan!mygoshhh man from tht point on,its like whoa!everything just went smoothly and after the event went out for supper with Mal,Dan,Ash,Trent,Adrie,Faya,Shareena and Iman :).super fun man!got home at almost one xD.had a nice talk with Mal on the way home too :).other than tht,got my trials.all 3 of em!done with 2 and one to go!

Love-so there was this guy who's younger by 2 yrs and i wasnt interested in him.but i guess he took it wrong and just thought tht mayb being around would change my didnt and he said he wasnt going to bother me anymore and with tht,he just completely ignored me.whattheheck bro?!i thought we could've actually been friends but apparently not..there's also a douche just doesnt get it when i say no.he asks again after a few month and im like bro,im sticking to my know the him i've been talking about in my other posts,i've been giing him the silent treatment manly because i thought it be easier for me to get over him.but after a few months a just thought ah heck i'll just talk to him.and we got kinda close again :).oh last monday for CCA,he asked me to teman him while his other friends went for games so i did.Xian followed me and we went to chill in the canteen then he took my phone and started reading my texts.he wouldnt let me have my phone back so of course it had to get it the midst of trying to get my phone bck,Xian was laughing her ass off,saying tht i look like im raping him -.-' i dont think anyone know how a rape looks like.she also took a video of it and it just looks like i was over-hugging him.anyways my point an innocent girl!:)

Friendships-well since Xian came into our class this yr and i promised her i wouldnt just ditch her,so her,Laksh and me became a little trio kind of thing.after awhile we became quite close but recently i feel rather distant.i feel so left out sometimes.usually we would always wait for each other when someone's behind or something but nowadays,whenever i stop for some reason,they'd just walk off without they just walk off without even knowing im not not saying this like i should be waited upon all the time or like im some bigshot or whatever.i just really dont like change i guess.sometimes or mayb all the time,i feel like everyone hates me,like im an out cast.sigh whatever la i guess i just gotta deal with it

so thts pretty much it i guess...kay bye

Thursday, May 12, 2011

If you had an hour left to live,what would you do?

so hey!exams ended today :).Geo was so difficult!!!but Cikgu Rohana said i passed so i guess im quite happy with it.oh oh oh for english,i only know for my novel i got 9/10 :D.soooooo mother freaking happy bout tht!!!mayb coulve have gotten a 10 if it wasnt for the word 'costed'.yes yes i know there's no such word but i was rushing tht time and i was too done with writing more so i didnt double check.just counted my words and FINITO was aite and math was blardy hard for me.even with the calculator D: anyways today i had free periods till lunch :).did some real personal sharing with Laksh,Xian and Sam :).it was nice,just some girly chit chat with them.oh oh Wednesday was EPIC!after the math test,which was lunch me Laksh and Xian were trying to study for Sejarah but we failed -.- went SUPER DUPER MEGA HYPER!ahahaahahahahahahahahahaha good times,good times.
lets just end this post on a nice note aite?:)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blow The Candles Out

seems like here’s the only privacy i get.been so caught up with my emotions this week.

is it safe to say tht things aren’t fine?to say tht im not dealing well with you being with say tht im hurt by him actually asking you instead of say tht i don’t know what to say to you say tht i never thought you wouldn’t think about my feelings and just tell me to deal with say tht it sucks to know you’ve gone from guy to this 3 months thts passed,you’ve liked more guys than i’ve had my exes in my entire lifetime.and now you’ve gone for a guy who i’ve patiently waited say tht im doubting the fact tht you even consider me as a friend.are you my friend at all?you say im like your best friend but what best friend hurts you so bad?what best friend lies to your face about having to used to like the guy you’ve liked for more than a yr?tht doesn’t sound like what a best friend does.not to me at least

bck to whatever…im now a proud Diana F+ owner :).it still needs a name tho.suggestions anybody?oh and Red House won this yr :).but a certain captain didn't look too happy when he found out :/.i don't know what's his problem and red house cheerleading got 3rd :(.it was so good beside the fact tht some stunts were an epic fail but still...yellow house kinda copied our moves :p.they didn't have a basket toss until we had one,then they found out we were doing tht air split thing and they did 2 -.- their stunts went fine and ours?well our basket tosses didn't go as well.the first one,i slipped from the mud and fell on the guy's arms.the second one,i went so high but then i went sideways and no one caught me.but i didn't feel anything :).so thts okay i guess :p.I've got no mood to type anymore...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Say Goodbye :)

heyhey!so whats been going on in the blogging world?well i wouldnt know since i barely update mine my monthlies are OVER!!!:D

i cant believe i actually passed my HISORY TEST!:O the ironic part was when i doing the paper i didnt even know most of the answers!thank god!thank god!
the only question i absolutely knew the answer to was the one where they asked bout the reasons why Malaysia couldnt defend themselves xD.hilarious!!!ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
anywaysss so now tht im done with my monthlies,i gotta start on the red house deco RIGHT AWAY!:O so quick but we just gotta and this yr a certain someone isnt going to settle for 3rd of 4th place.and i really wanna win tht trophy :].ehehehehehehe

the school's cheerleading team is coming into place tho :).got our routines and stunts done so now all we need is our outfits and accesories which is a little hard given tht no many ppl are willing to pay a whole lot :/.but other than tht,we're really having some laughs at practice and its super fun la!!!i dont want it to end so quick!!!:(

sighhh.things between me and ... are a little SUCKS!we're going bck and forth bck and forth.we talk bout life and then we stop talking.then we talk bout our feelings and now the only times we talk is when its important other than tht...NOTHING!ugh!!!getting sick of it.trying to get over him but sighhh

just tell me the truth before things end unsaid

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Share Wit Me The Secrets That You Kept In

hey :).i know i havent updated in 3 weeks?4?ahahaha anyways,i can rarely use the computer now cause im 15 and dealing with PMR.and also the fact tht my mom thinks i should study more even though the exam is to just determine which stream im taking -,- anywaysss i cant believe im turning 15!!!FIFTEEN!

*Taylor Swift's Fifteen starts playing in the bck of my mind*

ehehehehe.i know im a little late but...HAPPY 2011!:D
so the first week of school wasnt as great as i thought it'd be.second week's better and this week's the third week.and yesterday we already had to select our runners for red house.the school's already got us planning ahead for Sports Day and in my opinion its kinda quick.but what can we do?nothing.oh oh oh this yr i took on quite a number of responsibilities but im happy with it :).this yr im Red House's Assistant Captain :D.Table Tennis Club's Secretary and the Performing Arts representitive for form 3 :D.i hope red house wins this yr even though we still havent figured our mascot first we were starfish but then it was too lame and its too hard to create a cheer for starfish so we switched to swordfish but swordfish kinda tanked.and now we're still deciding but i hope we come up with something good soon cause everyone's started their cheer practice.anywaysss been going through some stuff recently.and the worst part is during break yesterday,i broke down when i started thinking bout it.owhmyfudge!when my friends saw they were like whats wrong whats wrong.after i wiped my tears,they aske me 'whats wrong?' i start to tear up all over again.

to all of you who cared...I LOVE YOU FOR CARING!:D