Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blow The Candles Out

seems like here’s the only privacy i get.been so caught up with my emotions this week.

is it safe to say tht things aren’t fine?to say tht im not dealing well with you being with say tht im hurt by him actually asking you instead of say tht i don’t know what to say to you say tht i never thought you wouldn’t think about my feelings and just tell me to deal with say tht it sucks to know you’ve gone from guy to this 3 months thts passed,you’ve liked more guys than i’ve had my exes in my entire lifetime.and now you’ve gone for a guy who i’ve patiently waited say tht im doubting the fact tht you even consider me as a friend.are you my friend at all?you say im like your best friend but what best friend hurts you so bad?what best friend lies to your face about having to used to like the guy you’ve liked for more than a yr?tht doesn’t sound like what a best friend does.not to me at least

bck to whatever…im now a proud Diana F+ owner :).it still needs a name tho.suggestions anybody?oh and Red House won this yr :).but a certain captain didn't look too happy when he found out :/.i don't know what's his problem and red house cheerleading got 3rd :(.it was so good beside the fact tht some stunts were an epic fail but still...yellow house kinda copied our moves :p.they didn't have a basket toss until we had one,then they found out we were doing tht air split thing and they did 2 -.- their stunts went fine and ours?well our basket tosses didn't go as well.the first one,i slipped from the mud and fell on the guy's arms.the second one,i went so high but then i went sideways and no one caught me.but i didn't feel anything :).so thts okay i guess :p.I've got no mood to type anymore...

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