whoa i havent blogged with the comp for quite somee time huh.anyways,on tuesday i was told i'd get happiness in my life and now i can honestly say tht i am happy :).now i have to make a decision.my mom said i could go out on saturday but now its up to me if i wanna go or not.im not sure if its a prank or if tht person felt guilty for asking my friend and not me or something.eventho tht person said tht they were serious but what happens if it is?i go there and get stood up?wait there like a total jack?do nothing for god knows how many hrs?they didnt even tell me what time to meet them.jeez im just being super duper paranoid huh.if tht person really wanted me there then i guess i'll go.i do wanna go yeah but i have no idea why im having my doubts.i would feel so much more relieved if my friend went cause at least someone could confirm going and if we get ditched,i still have her.i dont know why im being so worried bout this.i should just chill and go right?and if i do get ditched i'd always have starbuck right?i could walk alone...as long as no one follows me :).i need help...
i see you but i can't touch you.and it's killing me,it's killing me so good
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