o yea...monday was english day so there lotsa stuff going on.and it was mainly kinda boring ;p.we spent the entire time at the hall.the highlight of the ENTIRE day was during the 2nd round of the quiz.it was Andrew's turn to answer and it went like this
Libby(QuizMaster):Wat type of vegetable can be baked,steamed,grilled,barbequed,boiled and MASHED
*Laksh and i were like mouthing 'potato' a couple of dozen times
*Andrew looks at us in confusion,trying to mouth along with us,trying to figure out wat we were trying to say*
Libby:Ur time is almost up...
*Andrew still trying to figure out wat we were mouthing*
Libby:Yes,correct.2 marks
*Andrew exhales in relief*
so u can imagine the situation we were in.we luaghed our ass off.i think he was blushing after tht but its hard to tell when ur quite a distance away and especially under his really tanned skin.
today was BM day.i completely ROCKED AT SUCKING 4 the pertandingan bercerita ;).the rest were really boring :(

the shoes we wore at my birthday party ;p
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