prom ended with a slow dance :)
it was so sweet :)
then my date saw Rohan looking at us.eventho he was wearing a mask,we could see the way he looked at us -.-
Laksh,if you're reading this...im pretty sure your bro already told you bout it.i wish it could last longer :).the event and mayb the dancing and jumping :).i'd upload the pictures but i look really really REALLY horrible :(.stupid fringe making everything look worse!argh!now my date is out with a Sedayan Elvis Presley and his bro.leaving me behind,not taking me :(.i wanna go with him...not tht i like hime in that way or anything but just wanna go out and have fun!
a certain someone went walking with 'a guy' and im curious to know what they were talking bout.yes im jealous that she got to talk to him for a long time but we used to do that and now...things are different :(
im dead beat!enough excitement and fun for the night :(.tho i wish it could last till...forever?its so fun!