seems to be the only thing im doing towards u,bloggie ;).recently,we've been having cross country and sports day.made a bet with kee yew tht if he got top 2 i'd buy him a steak :(.n he got frigging 2nd place after gan.acctually hoped it was andre tht way,red would atleast score more points.i got 11th :(.was so upset with tht
on the 27th,had sports day.took part in 400m run,long jump and 4th for all of em :'(.one placing away frm getting a medal and getting points for red house.gosh,if i hadnt batal-ed the last round i could have gotten 3rd place! gosh im such a friggin failure like seriously!wat the...?!i was so upset.
p.s. we were only limited to 3 individual competitions 4 each student
on sports day,ran 4x100m and 4x400m.won 4x100m :).all of us were like so happy.tracy was right behind me and she was just a second too late.4x400m was really upsetting the most.was ahead of hazel at first then ran out of breath so she ovrtook me.kudos to her,she deserved it.i broke down after running.could barely breathe,walk or talk.then i literally broke down in tears cause i let down my beloved red hotties.i wanted to show him tht i could win something for red house this yr.i wanted him so see me succeed and give me congrtulatory hug but of course tht didnt happen,even when we won the 4x100m run he didnt talk to me.the only time he talked to me was when he was 'motivating' us b4 tarik tali.did tarik tali against the green house and we were so not ready at all!so we lost which put us in last place *sob*
this yr the red foxes didnt win marching :(.the trophy was given to the blue panthers.we tried our best and was able to pull it off but our banner was cacat-ed cause it was upside down was still readable :)

this was what the final pose was supposed to b without the banner being upside down ;p and louise cause she injured her foot.poor girl ;).arent we hot?!u wanna know why?CAUSE RED IS HOT BABY!!
p.s.s. i know my blog became cacated with the arrangements and long as u can read good enough rite?rite.rite?so u guys wont get bored.
p.s.s.s. i tried updating on saturday but my comp started lagging cause i was talking to...victor(i thin)on facebook so...laggg
wanna sleep now ;)