sorry i havent been updating awhile.
this week's been quite emotional especially 4 the past few days,as some of u may knoe
gonna make this post a little shorter than i usually do
been pretty emotional,even when i went to skul yesterday
could barely smile the way i used to,u knoe the huge smile
tuesday nite didnt sleep
wednesday nite,slept at 2-ish
this morning woke up ard 6 coz matt texted me
didnt bother to reply till 8-ish when i woke up n realised he texted me
BTW!!!!Mikael!!!!!!!!u still got my lip balm!!!!i want it bck man
i want it bck
gimme bck my lip balm man
i want my lip balm
gotta pack my bag 4 my trip
sooooo much to pack
nvm,hopefully i can enjoy my time there still
will try to upload pics as much as i can
no promises there....
well dont wanna blog more coz its...
i dont have the mood to blog no more
bla bla bla
See ya
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
20,16,21(lottery numbers!!!!)
19th of October babes!!
Firstly,to someone who's been there 4 me a whole lot!!He's funny,kind,happy(very happy),helpful n sooo many good things u can see in him.he's currently n officially 20!!!here's to Daniel Jedidah William!

got frm Facebook
p.s.:dont have any pics of him at the party coz he didnt even have the courtesy to reply matt on whether he couls make it or not!
Secondly to the girl who's very friendly,sweeet,kind,loving,a girl who juz loves to camwhore when she's bored's a sweet 16 birthday wish to Jesmine Cheong!!!!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
SURPRISE!!!!!!!(the vids)
the vids r uploaded 1st coz sooo many ppl wanna watch the vids i took so here ya go.cant upload the pic for some's the vids
a whole lot of ppl have been asking me whether i took a vid of Khern dancing n luckily i's to the many requests.
WARNING:Khern's funny dancing may disturb many children in their sleep

Khern's ridiculous face after some cake dipping.this pic is seriously disturbing!!!!o gosh!!!!how m i to sleep wth this...dont even knoe wat to call it
i see cream on his chin!!!!!!
a whole lot of ppl have been asking me whether i took a vid of Khern dancing n luckily i's to the many requests.
WARNING:Khern's funny dancing may disturb many children in their sleep
Khern trying to get the candles out....n a slight piece of Jes n Jesu's emotions?
Khern's ridiculous face after some cake dipping.this pic is seriously disturbing!!!!o gosh!!!!how m i to sleep wth this...dont even knoe wat to call it
i see cream on his chin!!!!!!
Megan n Hui Yen poking each other.they were poking each other earlier but didnt manage to record it then i juz got bored so i juz record anyway.its kinda hilarious
Blowing the candle
thts all the vids i took
Hope u enjoyed them as much as i did!
can watched them ovr n ovr again!
it damn funny to me.dont knoe bout u but do comment in the shout mix!!!
till the next post
See ya.
SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!(the story)
Yesterday Matt planned a surprise party 4 Jesudas n Jesmine at Boston,Solaris.the original plan was to surprise Jesu n Jes.hey...i juz realised Jes-udas n Jes-mine.Get it get it?!Jes n Jes!ok its weird,i knoe.Anyhoo,the surprise was supposed to b4 them but....'someone' asked Jes whether she was going tomorro(yesterday)?then the secret was out! we had a decoy to celebrate Khern's birthday,which passed a few days bck or something like tht.i was completely freaking out bout my transport home coz my said i couldnt go if i got no was not much of a biggie on how i would get there coz i could even take a cab.anyways,Matt kept asking me to chill n juz go 4 the party but i kept telling him tht my mom wont allow till i have a ride so he told me to say tht Jason was gonna send me i told my mom tht n i could go!!!!=D.on my way to church i got a call frm Matt saying tht i should follow Hao Yi or Phillip.then i got a call frm Aaron saying tht im following him to the i met up wth him at church,chatted wth Phillip awhile then we left coz it started drizzling n we thought it might rain soon.Phillip said tht he'd b there ard 5.35pm.LIAR!!!!!me n Aaron got there ard 5.15 n then wanted to lepak at 1 of the mamaks but it was we decided to walk to McD,which we thought was where Wendy's was.after 30 mins of walking,we baru realise we were only halfway there.damn tiring wei!30 mins of walking n accomplished only half way to Wendy' we walked bck n found another mamak OPEN!!!!me n Aaron lepak at the mamak then saw Asher n Mark come in.After awhile Matt texted me n told me tht they(Matt,Jesu n Jes)were going there soon so we finished our drinks n went to Boston 1st.Told Mark n Asher to hurry up b4 they got there.
Went upstairs 1st then Waited 4 Khern like damn long!They said they were at Duta d then still take damn long to come,waited 4 like 15 mins.frm Duta??!!as if Jln Duta is tht far frm Solaris.then when they came,all of us(Aaron,Khern,Neo,Asher,Mark n i)went inside to wait.after awhile Hao Yi n Hao Ming came.n then other ppl came too.Suddenly everyone was quiet coz Jesu n Jes juz came.'Eh,wat ya'll doing here wei?'i heard Matt say.then we juz ordered our food but only some ppl order food but a lot of ppl juz drank juz going on n on so lets jump to some better stuff tht happened
Megan borrowed my cam n started taking cadid shot wth whoever tht was sitting next to her.she kept looking 4 Matt coz she wanted to disturb him?o.O
there was once where Phillip asked Megan 4 the cam n he tried to take it frm her instead she juz snapped his
practically Megan,Jes n me were taking cadid shots.
Happy Birthday song was playing then we brought out Khern's small cake.Khern did some stupid dance,which Matt called 'graceful',according to the bday song.
Live band was playing the Elvis Presley Lilo n Stitch song,which title escapes my mind(excuse my english,if it sounds wrong).after the song,the lead singer mumbled some's wat i could make out of it:
Lead singer: *mumbles* a special person.actually 2 special ppl.*couldnt hear coz ppl making noise*To Jesudas n Jesmine!And on behalf of the staff or Boston,we wish u a very Happy Birthday(or something like tht)
brought out a different cake but this one has a duck on it.Hao Yi thought it was unedible first coz we kept saying it was plastic.then he bit the orange duck icing base,he said it didn taste tht bad.then he bit the cute duck's head!the duck was HEADLESS!!!!!
took pictures
paid Neo since he paid 4 all of us d.the entire bill was 405.15 bucks!!!!!!!!damn freaking much!!!!luckily i only ordered the 'Tie the Knot' aka a Mushroom Soup?!WTF?!i 4got to tell ya'll,their menu is completely disguised wth weird names like Sexy Mermaid,Tie the Knot,A Nun's Story,Long Voyage n so on......weird names 4 meals huh?Matt told me this afternoon when we were having lunch tht the old menu had a drink called called Pussy Juice?!WTH?!!!lmao when i heard it!!!was having rice in my mouth!(went a little too far away frm the topic,juz realised)
Went to Waterfront,Desa Parkcity.they call it Desa Parkcity wthout the 'Waterfront'.weird....went there awhile to chillax since still got time to go home
we played wth some spinning thingi!was damn dizzy i got off it.only Matt,Jesu,Jason,Aaron n me were there.the rest all went to the lake wthout us
Met up wth them at the bench(i think there was only 1 bench ard the lake).couldnt wait to open the sparkling juice so since it was Phillip's,i asked if i could open it.first Hao Yi drank it then i took it frm him n drank a mouth full =D.Aaron was rushing me so i ran back 4 another sip.b4 i barely took a sip,Matt pushed the bottle up n the Sparkling Juice spilt all ovr me!=( went home all STICKY ON THE NECK!!!he hid frm me knowing tht i'd b after him so i took my chance to have another sip b4 i went off.on the way out of the car park saw them walking to their cars
Got home by 12!!!5 mins b4 12 like i promised my bros.damn sad had to go home by 12=(!!even if its a holiday must probably b bck by 1 or something!MEAN!!!!!!!having sooooo much fun then my family always has to spoil the fun =(
Anyways,here's the story.will upload the pics n vids in the next post!!u'll probably laugh ur ass off when u watch Khern dance!!
till the next post
See ya
Went upstairs 1st then Waited 4 Khern like damn long!They said they were at Duta d then still take damn long to come,waited 4 like 15 mins.frm Duta??!!as if Jln Duta is tht far frm Solaris.then when they came,all of us(Aaron,Khern,Neo,Asher,Mark n i)went inside to wait.after awhile Hao Yi n Hao Ming came.n then other ppl came too.Suddenly everyone was quiet coz Jesu n Jes juz came.'Eh,wat ya'll doing here wei?'i heard Matt say.then we juz ordered our food but only some ppl order food but a lot of ppl juz drank juz going on n on so lets jump to some better stuff tht happened
Megan borrowed my cam n started taking cadid shot wth whoever tht was sitting next to her.she kept looking 4 Matt coz she wanted to disturb him?o.O
there was once where Phillip asked Megan 4 the cam n he tried to take it frm her instead she juz snapped his
practically Megan,Jes n me were taking cadid shots.
Happy Birthday song was playing then we brought out Khern's small cake.Khern did some stupid dance,which Matt called 'graceful',according to the bday song.
Live band was playing the Elvis Presley Lilo n Stitch song,which title escapes my mind(excuse my english,if it sounds wrong).after the song,the lead singer mumbled some's wat i could make out of it:
Lead singer: *mumbles* a special person.actually 2 special ppl.*couldnt hear coz ppl making noise*To Jesudas n Jesmine!And on behalf of the staff or Boston,we wish u a very Happy Birthday(or something like tht)
brought out a different cake but this one has a duck on it.Hao Yi thought it was unedible first coz we kept saying it was plastic.then he bit the orange duck icing base,he said it didn taste tht bad.then he bit the cute duck's head!the duck was HEADLESS!!!!!
took pictures
paid Neo since he paid 4 all of us d.the entire bill was 405.15 bucks!!!!!!!!damn freaking much!!!!luckily i only ordered the 'Tie the Knot' aka a Mushroom Soup?!WTF?!i 4got to tell ya'll,their menu is completely disguised wth weird names like Sexy Mermaid,Tie the Knot,A Nun's Story,Long Voyage n so on......weird names 4 meals huh?Matt told me this afternoon when we were having lunch tht the old menu had a drink called called Pussy Juice?!WTH?!!!lmao when i heard it!!!was having rice in my mouth!(went a little too far away frm the topic,juz realised)
Went to Waterfront,Desa Parkcity.they call it Desa Parkcity wthout the 'Waterfront'.weird....went there awhile to chillax since still got time to go home
we played wth some spinning thingi!was damn dizzy i got off it.only Matt,Jesu,Jason,Aaron n me were there.the rest all went to the lake wthout us
Met up wth them at the bench(i think there was only 1 bench ard the lake).couldnt wait to open the sparkling juice so since it was Phillip's,i asked if i could open it.first Hao Yi drank it then i took it frm him n drank a mouth full =D.Aaron was rushing me so i ran back 4 another sip.b4 i barely took a sip,Matt pushed the bottle up n the Sparkling Juice spilt all ovr me!=( went home all STICKY ON THE NECK!!!he hid frm me knowing tht i'd b after him so i took my chance to have another sip b4 i went off.on the way out of the car park saw them walking to their cars
Got home by 12!!!5 mins b4 12 like i promised my bros.damn sad had to go home by 12=(!!even if its a holiday must probably b bck by 1 or something!MEAN!!!!!!!having sooooo much fun then my family always has to spoil the fun =(
Anyways,here's the story.will upload the pics n vids in the next post!!u'll probably laugh ur ass off when u watch Khern dance!!
till the next post
See ya
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Totally SCREWED!!!!!
Currently chatting wth Dee,Sarah n Dan!=)
Dee was totally SCREWED!!!!!!
David gave Sarah this like n she past it on to me!
its sooooo effing SCARY wei!!!!
my heart was pounding like there was no 2morro.would've screamed but mom was ard.
Sarah screamed her ass off when she got it.we screwed wth dee n told her tht it was the awesomest 'game' ever n tht there were love quotes coz she was into them
gave her a fright of her life!!!she she said her heart skipped 3 beats.....
it was damn funny see more on Dee's blog!
me n Sarah lmao-ed like mad!!!!!
will update more
till the next post!
See ya.
Dee was totally SCREWED!!!!!!
David gave Sarah this like n she past it on to me!
its sooooo effing SCARY wei!!!!
my heart was pounding like there was no 2morro.would've screamed but mom was ard.
Sarah screamed her ass off when she got it.we screwed wth dee n told her tht it was the awesomest 'game' ever n tht there were love quotes coz she was into them
gave her a fright of her life!!!she she said her heart skipped 3 beats.....
it was damn funny see more on Dee's blog!
me n Sarah lmao-ed like mad!!!!!
will update more
till the next post!
See ya.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Broken Stuff
Yo to the ppl!!!!!!
Some serious funny shit happened today,which is a good thing!but b4 some serious funny shit....i shall start this post wth a kinda not,maybe is serious stuff!
its btween the 9th n 10th was Mr.Choong's period!!!the boys were playing wth Lee Wei basketball(was outside wth some ppl,as usual),then i heard something sounded like someone threw a glass cup towards the wall like in movies when the ppl get mad then they start throwing fragile stuff.anyhoo,everyone heard it.ppl rushed to Alpha's door to see wat happened.i got a peek n i saw shattered pieces of white glass on the first i thought some one broke one of the many windows again!but instead it was the florecent light.this is like the 4th time something broke in 1 Alpha's class,THIS YEAR!!!!not mentioning any names.first,some dude frm Delta's broke our window or so i hear.then,dude frm Beta broke the big glass door.then!!juz a few weeks bck or so another dude frm Beta broke the smaller glass door.NOW!!!our own dude frm Alpha broke the florecent light!thts a WHOLE LOT of times,ya know?!IN A YEAR?!!
Well lets get to the brighter side!thts enough of....anger? could i b angry bout tht?i dont even knoe how i feel bout it.odd.....Anyway,after all of tht almost every1 was outside of class n Amanda n Dee ran upstairs to tell cher then when they came bck down Dee told Mr.Choong tht Mr.Soosei said tht there'd b some type of gas coming out after it was tried to give a reason not to go bck to class using tht gas excuse but unfortunately it didnt even work......Mr.Choong said tht it has cleared up but dee said tht Mr.Soosei said tht it'll only clear up after 3 hrs.Kyle,Laksh,Amanda n i walked away like super slowly n Mr.choong didnt even notice!!haha =D.we decided to walk bck since we're 'good' students =) n Laksh walked bck into class while Kyle found this paper ball n he started kicking it n laksh decided to go bck outside n a second after we step foot outside.'Where r u going?get bck inside!'said Mr.Choong.BUSTED!!!!!!we went bck to class n of coz we sat down.the Mr.Choong went to the door n shouted at Gio coz he saw Gio standing there
Mr.Choong: Y r u standing there?
Gio: I was juz getting in
*he said it in his American accent!was damn funny
Mr.Choong: Dont bluff me
haha tht was soooooooooooooo freaking funny!me n Laksh laughed our ass off!was damn funny.'Wats so funny?' some of u may ask.well,its the way he said it tht was funny n his accent juz made it even funnier.i think tht there r more funny situations tht happened today in skul but i juz cant recall.
was pretty ok karangan dammit!gotta pass it up.cher pressuring like hell man!damn damn scared i'll get called to Dr.Shih's office man..its like damn scary!!!!well at least i tried.migosh!!!!finals r getting closer n closer!im soooo not prepared n when i wanna study i take my book to the couch,barely open the book,n b4 i knoe it im asleep.its like my body knows tht im gonna study n it juz shuts down.URGH!!!!i need to study bad....need help wth my Maths n especially my Sejarah n BM!god i suck at BM!!my god,my maths!!bad enough i dropped miserably by like 30 marks frm the Mid-Year to the 2nd Mid-Terms!n i failed =(!told Daniel bout it n he said'thts juz PATHETIC' 'i knoe i knoe' i say.dunno wat to do dammit!i guess i'll end it here
till the next post
See ya!
Some serious funny shit happened today,which is a good thing!but b4 some serious funny shit....i shall start this post wth a kinda not,maybe is serious stuff!
its btween the 9th n 10th was Mr.Choong's period!!!the boys were playing wth Lee Wei basketball(was outside wth some ppl,as usual),then i heard something sounded like someone threw a glass cup towards the wall like in movies when the ppl get mad then they start throwing fragile stuff.anyhoo,everyone heard it.ppl rushed to Alpha's door to see wat happened.i got a peek n i saw shattered pieces of white glass on the first i thought some one broke one of the many windows again!but instead it was the florecent light.this is like the 4th time something broke in 1 Alpha's class,THIS YEAR!!!!not mentioning any names.first,some dude frm Delta's broke our window or so i hear.then,dude frm Beta broke the big glass door.then!!juz a few weeks bck or so another dude frm Beta broke the smaller glass door.NOW!!!our own dude frm Alpha broke the florecent light!thts a WHOLE LOT of times,ya know?!IN A YEAR?!!
Well lets get to the brighter side!thts enough of....anger? could i b angry bout tht?i dont even knoe how i feel bout it.odd.....Anyway,after all of tht almost every1 was outside of class n Amanda n Dee ran upstairs to tell cher then when they came bck down Dee told Mr.Choong tht Mr.Soosei said tht there'd b some type of gas coming out after it was tried to give a reason not to go bck to class using tht gas excuse but unfortunately it didnt even work......Mr.Choong said tht it has cleared up but dee said tht Mr.Soosei said tht it'll only clear up after 3 hrs.Kyle,Laksh,Amanda n i walked away like super slowly n Mr.choong didnt even notice!!haha =D.we decided to walk bck since we're 'good' students =) n Laksh walked bck into class while Kyle found this paper ball n he started kicking it n laksh decided to go bck outside n a second after we step foot outside.'Where r u going?get bck inside!'said Mr.Choong.BUSTED!!!!!!we went bck to class n of coz we sat down.the Mr.Choong went to the door n shouted at Gio coz he saw Gio standing there
Mr.Choong: Y r u standing there?
Gio: I was juz getting in
*he said it in his American accent!was damn funny
Mr.Choong: Dont bluff me
haha tht was soooooooooooooo freaking funny!me n Laksh laughed our ass off!was damn funny.'Wats so funny?' some of u may ask.well,its the way he said it tht was funny n his accent juz made it even funnier.i think tht there r more funny situations tht happened today in skul but i juz cant recall.
was pretty ok karangan dammit!gotta pass it up.cher pressuring like hell man!damn damn scared i'll get called to Dr.Shih's office man..its like damn scary!!!!well at least i tried.migosh!!!!finals r getting closer n closer!im soooo not prepared n when i wanna study i take my book to the couch,barely open the book,n b4 i knoe it im asleep.its like my body knows tht im gonna study n it juz shuts down.URGH!!!!i need to study bad....need help wth my Maths n especially my Sejarah n BM!god i suck at BM!!my god,my maths!!bad enough i dropped miserably by like 30 marks frm the Mid-Year to the 2nd Mid-Terms!n i failed =(!told Daniel bout it n he said'thts juz PATHETIC' 'i knoe i knoe' i say.dunno wat to do dammit!i guess i'll end it here
till the next post
See ya!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Its true to the bone!o.o?Wat m i talking bout?
Yo to the ppl!!!!
Went 4 futsal juz now...was quite tiring but its aite.we had our moments of laughter,but certain times we were kinda im damn hungry!man...LUCKILY i have a sandwich waiting to b eaten in 10 mins!!!! juz occured to me tht i have to wait 10 mins 4 my sandwich!=( currently quenching my thirst wth a tasty green apple nutrigen.did u know tht nutrigen is like vitagen but only taller?isnt tht cool?=D
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i juz found out my toast is toast*blek*!its all burnt!=( nvm threw away the black burnt one n made a new one...yeah!!!!
This afternoon in Maths clas was kinda funny but uberly disgusting at the same time....Yew Joe,Chuck a.k.a. Chak Hao,Azu n I were's how it went...
*talking bout something(memory was wiped out)
Yew Joe: He sucks his own ****s
*points at Chuck
Chuck: Yea.i suck my own ****s
Me n Azu: Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
*smiles like there's nothing wrong wth it
Azu: Do u do it everyday?
Chuck: Sometimes....
Azu: Wat does it taste like?
Chuck: It tastes like.........Fries.
*jaws dropping
Me n Azu:OMG!!!!!!
Yew Joe: He uses the vacuum.
Me: Wat?
Yew Joe: He use the vacuum,pull it then does it
*school bell rang.luckily or else we'd have to talk more bout it.
Enough of tht crap.lets jump to another subject.its wayyyyy better!Sooo.......
I soooo wanna watch Cloudy wth a chance of Meatballs........its sooo good.who doesnt wanna watch a movie bout an invention gone wrong then turns the 'weather' into food?!i mean falling steaks,spagghetti,pizza n best of all....WHEN IT 'SNOWS',ITS ACTUALLY ICE-CREAM!!!!!!!it comes in 3D too.Aint tht the bomb?!i mean its 3D PPL!!!IT RELATES TO FOOD!!!!!THT MOVIE RITE THERE IS SOME AWESOME SHIT!!!
Juz came across this email frm Ca Rol n man...its definitely something u would want ur man or any other guy to it is...
I don't care if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now.
I don't care if you are a guy or a woman or Michael Jackson.
Just read this, it will make a difference.
If only everyone could see this and understand it.
When she stares at your mouth
Kiss her
When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy because she thinks she's stronger than you
Grab her and don't let go
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough
Kiss her and tell her you love her
When she's quiet
Ask her what's wrong
When she ignores you
Give her your attention
When she pulls away
Pull her back
When you see her at her worst
Tell her she's beautiful
When you see her start crying
Just hold her and don't say a word
When you see her walking
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she's scared
Protect her
When she steals your favourite hoodie
Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
When she teases you
Tease her back and make her laugh
When she doesn't answer for a long time
reassure her that everything is okay
When she looks at you with doubt
Back yourself up
When she says that she loves you
she really does more than you can understand
When she grabs at your hands
Hold hers and play with her fingers
When she bumps into you
bump into her back and make her laugh
When she tells you a secret
keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes
don't look away until she does
When she says it's over
she still wants you to be hers
When she reposts this bulletin
she wants you to read it
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
-Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favourite movie with her or her favourite show even if you think it's stupid
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes
-When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
-Let her know she's important.
- Don't talk about other girls around her
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is:
"Whose butt am i kicking baby?"
*If you do post this in the next four minutes the one you love will:
Call you
Kiss you
Love you
Text you
Guys post as: "I'd be this Boyfriend'
Girls post as: "A real boyfriend"
*ps:i dont blieve tht shitty crapness but the rest r fine
Was chatting wth Danesh n Ian juz now.Dan was being all nice as usual.Ian was being all BM-ish.Anyways,i guess thts all i gotta say 4 now.
Went 4 futsal juz now...was quite tiring but its aite.we had our moments of laughter,but certain times we were kinda im damn hungry!man...LUCKILY i have a sandwich waiting to b eaten in 10 mins!!!! juz occured to me tht i have to wait 10 mins 4 my sandwich!=( currently quenching my thirst wth a tasty green apple nutrigen.did u know tht nutrigen is like vitagen but only taller?isnt tht cool?=D
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i juz found out my toast is toast*blek*!its all burnt!=( nvm threw away the black burnt one n made a new one...yeah!!!!
This afternoon in Maths clas was kinda funny but uberly disgusting at the same time....Yew Joe,Chuck a.k.a. Chak Hao,Azu n I were's how it went...
*talking bout something(memory was wiped out)
Yew Joe: He sucks his own ****s
*points at Chuck
Chuck: Yea.i suck my own ****s
Me n Azu: Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
*smiles like there's nothing wrong wth it
Azu: Do u do it everyday?
Chuck: Sometimes....
Azu: Wat does it taste like?
Chuck: It tastes like.........Fries.
*jaws dropping
Me n Azu:OMG!!!!!!
Yew Joe: He uses the vacuum.
Me: Wat?
Yew Joe: He use the vacuum,pull it then does it
*school bell rang.luckily or else we'd have to talk more bout it.
Enough of tht crap.lets jump to another subject.its wayyyyy better!Sooo.......
I soooo wanna watch Cloudy wth a chance of Meatballs........its sooo good.who doesnt wanna watch a movie bout an invention gone wrong then turns the 'weather' into food?!i mean falling steaks,spagghetti,pizza n best of all....WHEN IT 'SNOWS',ITS ACTUALLY ICE-CREAM!!!!!!!it comes in 3D too.Aint tht the bomb?!i mean its 3D PPL!!!IT RELATES TO FOOD!!!!!THT MOVIE RITE THERE IS SOME AWESOME SHIT!!!
Juz came across this email frm Ca Rol n man...its definitely something u would want ur man or any other guy to it is...
I don't care if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now.
I don't care if you are a guy or a woman or Michael Jackson.
Just read this, it will make a difference.
If only everyone could see this and understand it.
When she stares at your mouth
Kiss her
When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy because she thinks she's stronger than you
Grab her and don't let go
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough
Kiss her and tell her you love her
When she's quiet
Ask her what's wrong
When she ignores you
Give her your attention
When she pulls away
Pull her back
When you see her at her worst
Tell her she's beautiful
When you see her start crying
Just hold her and don't say a word
When you see her walking
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind
When she's scared
Protect her
When she steals your favourite hoodie
Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night
When she teases you
Tease her back and make her laugh
When she doesn't answer for a long time
reassure her that everything is okay
When she looks at you with doubt
Back yourself up
When she says that she loves you
she really does more than you can understand
When she grabs at your hands
Hold hers and play with her fingers
When she bumps into you
bump into her back and make her laugh
When she tells you a secret
keep it safe and untold
When she looks at you in your eyes
don't look away until she does
When she says it's over
she still wants you to be hers
When she reposts this bulletin
she wants you to read it
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
-Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favourite movie with her or her favourite show even if you think it's stupid
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes
-When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
-Let her know she's important.
- Don't talk about other girls around her
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is:
"Whose butt am i kicking baby?"
*If you do post this in the next four minutes the one you love will:
Call you
Kiss you
Love you
Text you
Guys post as: "I'd be this Boyfriend'
Girls post as: "A real boyfriend"
*ps:i dont blieve tht shitty crapness but the rest r fine
Was chatting wth Danesh n Ian juz now.Dan was being all nice as usual.Ian was being all BM-ish.Anyways,i guess thts all i gotta say 4 now.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I think im sick put tht thought in my head last nite when i kept sneezing in the car...was sneezing my ass of last nite.luckily it didnt disturb my sleep.or mayb i sneezed while i slapt but nvr notice it.....interesting.
Pissed off!!!!!
Didnt go to Rabbit last nite!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!all thanks to my mom!!!!!=(.stupid warehouse sales.we'd probably could have gotten home by 12!!!BUT NO........its too far frm home.WTF??!!!!its sooo damn freaking near!!!!!Bukit Jalil is quite near but Sri Petaling is way... far...!!They were makaning n walking ard wthout me!!!!n Daniel wasnt there!!!!if i went i could have escaped his kacau-ing!!!Dammit!!!!!
Today was supposed to b AAR's concert but Tyson Ritter got a leg injury...i suppose.but i hear its postponed til the 31st...Pixie Lott n Kate Voegele's songs are AWESOME SHIT!!!!!!they're songs r damn damn awesome.They're juz Awesome!!!!!
im confused bout wat to wear to church tomorrow.cant gotta let it come to me i guess.well i guess i better iron my clothes b4 my mom goes KABOOM!!!!!!!!!
till the next post
See ya.
I think im sick put tht thought in my head last nite when i kept sneezing in the car...was sneezing my ass of last nite.luckily it didnt disturb my sleep.or mayb i sneezed while i slapt but nvr notice it.....interesting.
Pissed off!!!!!
Didnt go to Rabbit last nite!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!all thanks to my mom!!!!!=(.stupid warehouse sales.we'd probably could have gotten home by 12!!!BUT NO........its too far frm home.WTF??!!!!its sooo damn freaking near!!!!!Bukit Jalil is quite near but Sri Petaling is way... far...!!They were makaning n walking ard wthout me!!!!n Daniel wasnt there!!!!if i went i could have escaped his kacau-ing!!!Dammit!!!!!
Today was supposed to b AAR's concert but Tyson Ritter got a leg injury...i suppose.but i hear its postponed til the 31st...Pixie Lott n Kate Voegele's songs are AWESOME SHIT!!!!!!they're songs r damn damn awesome.They're juz Awesome!!!!!
im confused bout wat to wear to church tomorrow.cant gotta let it come to me i guess.well i guess i better iron my clothes b4 my mom goes KABOOM!!!!!!!!!
till the next post
See ya.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Yo to the ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!
im updating as u can see.........
i was damn damn Gay today...
at one point,Laksh leaned bckwards n stretched her right arm out seeming like she wanted something frm me.i didnt wanna say anything or ask i juz 'kissed' lips barely touched but my chin touched.'OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tht was sooooooo.............GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'haha....freaked her out......
another time was b4 Ms Sally came in 4 Chinese....i started doing some shit.and and......i call it My New Boop Dance
it was shitlessly gay
serious shit!!!!!! kept doing tht.....
was all hyper then.....i made Gio confuse
SUDDDENLY!!!!!Melvin shouted 'MS SALLY COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
every1 was all clustered.laughed my ass off....
every1 all 'mg hurry hurry Ms Sally coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.Laksh was like 'She's here!!!!!!!!!!!!'
every1 was all rushing bck to their places n kinda laughing.when she opened the door,every1 was sooooooooo quiet.then Ms Sally was all 'What happened here?y r some of the chairs laying upside down?if the chairs r like this then something must have happened juz now.' 'No la.....nothing happened.everything's fine....'we lied.....hehe
every1 had a cheecky smile.somewhere even laughing....
was lmao-ing
Monday i went to Sue's hse 4 a party.....was pretty awesome.played wth the hose 4 bout an hour.was kinda chilly.Alkhaf was telling us bout how he saw a 'creature' tht looked like santa clause wth the white beard n moustache.he looked caucasian =O.n he was stomping reli angrily.then he flickered his headlights n it was scary.after awhile we were all quiet.'STOMPING!!!!!LIKE LITERALLY!!!!!!'Crazy pants!!!!!!made us scream......all a sudden he said tht out of no where n it was midnight!couldnt stand it, it made me go all paranoid!n Daniel was all 'when i was ur age,i was playing wth my gameboy.when i was ur age i had to sleep by 10.hey isnt it past ur bedtime?'was damn annoying.but quite funny.he wore ManUtd shirt!!!YAY!!!!!!Another ManUtd fan!!!WOOHOO!!!
well lazy to blog more.....
n i wanna eat.....
Mom's bringing home McD!!!!!!!
till the next post
See ya
p.s.:i have a sandwich wth me d!!=D
im updating as u can see.........
i was damn damn Gay today...
at one point,Laksh leaned bckwards n stretched her right arm out seeming like she wanted something frm me.i didnt wanna say anything or ask i juz 'kissed' lips barely touched but my chin touched.'OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tht was sooooooo.............GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'haha....freaked her out......
another time was b4 Ms Sally came in 4 Chinese....i started doing some shit.and and......i call it My New Boop Dance
it was shitlessly gay
serious shit!!!!!! kept doing tht.....
was all hyper then.....i made Gio confuse
SUDDDENLY!!!!!Melvin shouted 'MS SALLY COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
every1 was all clustered.laughed my ass off....
every1 all 'mg hurry hurry Ms Sally coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.Laksh was like 'She's here!!!!!!!!!!!!'
every1 was all rushing bck to their places n kinda laughing.when she opened the door,every1 was sooooooooo quiet.then Ms Sally was all 'What happened here?y r some of the chairs laying upside down?if the chairs r like this then something must have happened juz now.' 'No la.....nothing happened.everything's fine....'we lied.....hehe
every1 had a cheecky smile.somewhere even laughing....
was lmao-ing
Monday i went to Sue's hse 4 a party.....was pretty awesome.played wth the hose 4 bout an hour.was kinda chilly.Alkhaf was telling us bout how he saw a 'creature' tht looked like santa clause wth the white beard n moustache.he looked caucasian =O.n he was stomping reli angrily.then he flickered his headlights n it was scary.after awhile we were all quiet.'STOMPING!!!!!LIKE LITERALLY!!!!!!'Crazy pants!!!!!!made us scream......all a sudden he said tht out of no where n it was midnight!couldnt stand it, it made me go all paranoid!n Daniel was all 'when i was ur age,i was playing wth my gameboy.when i was ur age i had to sleep by 10.hey isnt it past ur bedtime?'was damn annoying.but quite funny.he wore ManUtd shirt!!!YAY!!!!!!Another ManUtd fan!!!WOOHOO!!!
well lazy to blog more.....
n i wanna eat.....
Mom's bringing home McD!!!!!!!
till the next post
See ya
p.s.:i have a sandwich wth me d!!=D
Monday, October 5, 2009
Wats Up???I dunno.U tell me
Yo to the ppl!!!!!!
Wat up readers?!
due to dome requests to update...
im updating!!!
its mostly my mind requesting.i think my obssession ovr blogging is getting to me
damn its DANGEROUS!!!!Dee is also requesting 4 an update *sigh*ppl......
lets see....
was kinda bz since my last 1st i was lazy then it got pretty hectic
Wednesday,Thursday was a boring day at home
o yea....last Wednesday i posted bout a call i got frm 'Angela'
it was actually Jesmine =.=
it was Matthew's idea
i found out coz on Thursday i got a call frm's how it went...
Matthew: Yo!Matthew here.Eh,wat happen last night?
Me: Wat u mean??
*Cyn thinks 'definitely Matthew was doubt.no1 knows bout it.Definitely he's involved'
Matthew: Heard u got some kinda call last wat happened?
Me: okay....*explains wat happened*.u were involved wth it werent u?=)
Matthew: was Jesmine wei.we were damn bored
Me: Haha.watever la.but its not my idea wei.u knoe tht rite?
Matthew: Haha yea yea
*talked a little while longer.Private conversation.Sssshhhhhh
Anyways...Friday after church went to Rabbit =)
was wrongly accused by mom 4 going to 7-11.ALONE??!!!!!
like i'll ever do tht.AT NIGHT??!!WTF?!
came down a little late.or more likely very very late.
service ended like ard 10?n i came down ard 11
no sign of my bro but Matthew was passing me coz he wanted get something.he came bck n.....
Matthew: Eh yo!where's ur bro?
Me: i dunno.i think he m.i.a. d.haha.u going rabbit rite?
Matthew: Haha.yea.u follow us la
Me: Yea sure
* Walked to the car along wth Matthew
i think it went a little longer if im not mistaken.called my bro then i opened the wrong door =p.Jon was sitting there i went to the other side.Aaron drove.=O
Jon kept saying 'Eh berhenti sign la'
Aaron replied wth 'No car la'
I lmao-ed.on the way,went to pick up Jesu at his place,then we went to Rabbit.laughed a lot in the car n when we got there,got out of the car halfway walking to Rabbit frm where the car was parked,Robert intendtionally drove slowly towards us.after a sec or two,either Jesu or Matt stood in front of his car when he started to move.lmao-ed again.sat wth sherrinder but her mom wanted her to sit outside.Sad.After awhile she went home,i joined Matthew n Jesu n all.
Saturday,woke up wth his text asking me to text him bck.thought bout it 4 bout an hour.replied him ard 3 n he kept pleading 4 me to call him tht nite.didnt reply him 4 awhile.he called but i was on my way home wth my mom in the car.he called bck n we talked till 2 in the morn.=O
On Monday,went to skul.on the way down frm checking our relief 4 bm..cher didnt come!!!!!!=).laksh n i were talking n here's how it went.....
Laksh: Babbre(its OMG in Tamil)
Me: Babbre
Me: Babbre
Me: Babbre
Me: Babbre
Me: Babbre
Me: Babbre
Me: Babbre
Me: Bable
Me: Bable
Me: Barbeque
Me: Barbeque
Me: Barbeque
Me: Barbeque
Laksh: Babbre
Me: Barbeque
Me: Barbeque
Laksh: Babbre
Me: Barbeque
Me: Barbeque
Laksh: Babbre
Laksh: Babbre
Laksh: Babbre
Laksh: Babbre
Laksh: Babbre
Laksh: Babbre
Laksh: Babbre
Laksh: Babbre
Laksh: Babbre
Me: Bubblegum
Me: Bubblegum
Laksh: Babbre
Me: Bubblegum
this went on 4 a little while longer.lmao-ed way lot.the entire week was normal in a very more hyper way.friday got my AAR ticket frm Andre.Thanks nite,went to Rabbit again but Sherrinder wasnt there.Daniel sat next to me.kena kacau-ed like mad
Saturday was supposed to go 4 Sarah's open hse but thanks to my mom i couldnt!!urgh.went to the dentist to change the elastic bands.went home
Sunday,went to church.after church went to Sungai was majorly cramped wth stores n boutiques.ate at a reli lousy restaurant.their duck wasnt any good.either was their about plain,TASTELESS!!!!!
2day was quite hyper.freaked dee out....=D haha.slept a little in sc but cher wasnt teaching tht 2nd period.=D
currently blogging n waiting 4 my mom to come home so tht she can send me to Sue's 4 her party
Shout Out:
Firstly to my Speak member,Suemitraa,Happy Birthday!!!!!thanks Sue!!!!4 always being there 4 me!!!u ROCK!!!!!!!!
Photo Opp..
Secondly,Happy Birthday to Robert!!!i still remember when i was young u used to call me 'Cynthia girl'.N u still call me tht!=D.u called me tht last week when we were playing futsal o.O.thanks 4 tht nickname dude....
Daniel Tee n Robert.....
well thts it 4 now.......
till the next post....
See ya..........
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